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Using Asset CleanUp with NitroPack
Updated over 11 months ago

Asset CleanUp is compatible with NitroPack.

However, both plugins have features that could duplicate and result in possible issues.

We recommend you go over the list of features that shouldn’t be duplicated to get the best out of both plugins:

Optimize CSS / JavaScript

Both features in Asset Cleanup should be disabled, as NitroPack does this by default unless the files are excluded from optimization.

For the Combine CSS feature - it is recommended to be disabled in Asset CleanUp, as NitroPack already handles this. You can find this setting in NitroPack, under Cache Settings >> HTML & CSS >> Combine CSS:

As for the Combine JavaScript feature, it can be enabled either in NitroPack, or in the Asset CleanUp plugin. You can find this setting in NitroPack, in the JavaScript settings menu:

Remove Unused CSS files

NitroPack does have a similar feature that is disabled by default. You can find it in Cache Settings >> HTML & CSS >> Remove unused CSS:

If, however, the feature is enabled in NitroPack, then it should be disabled in Asset CleanUp to avoid conflicts.

Always clear NitroPack’s cache after changes are made in Asset CleanUp, as they are not automatically detected.

You can do that from your NitroPack dashboard:

📌 If you need any assistance or have questions, reach out to our support team at [email protected] or via this link:

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