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Enabling GZIP compression
Updated over a week ago

Using NitroPack, you can apply GZIP compression to your website.

GZIP is a compression method that allows for HTTP content files to be shrunk up to 80% before being transferred from the origin source to the destination point (website visitor). By doing so, website loading speeds can be increased exponentially.

The option to enable GZIP is located in your NitroPack plugin/extension settings.

Depending on your platform, the setting can be found through the following paths:

👉 WordPress - through your wp-admin dashboard > Settings > NitroPack.


👉 OpenCart - through the admin dashboard > System >


By default, this feature is disabled as many hosting providers already use GZIP on the host server. As such, NitroPack can be used as a secondary method if GZIP is not enabled on your host.

The easiest way to check if compression is enabled for your website is to check if the appropriate response headers are present.

To do so, we’ll need to use the browser’s Developer Tools. Load the page, right-click somewhere on the page, and hit Inspect.


Once the console is open, head over to the Network tab.


Select the type of resource Doc and the document itself (you may need to refresh the page for the requests to appear). The headers should then be visible.


The response header associated with compression is “Content-Encoding,” which can return a value gzip.


You can also use some online check tools such as:

Suppose GZIP is already running for your website. In that case, it may not be ideal to have it enabled in NitroPack as doubling the compression may cause unwanted visual side-effects, such as your site showing up as strange unreadable characters instead of your regular content.

📌 If you need any assistance or have questions, you can always reach out to our support team at [email protected] or via this link:

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