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All CollectionsTroubleshooting
Features and Optimizations
Features and Optimizations
41 articles
Resolving issues with fonts while using NitroPack
How to Deal with Missing and Duplicate Security Headers
Image Lazy Loading Not Working Properly
?nonitro=1 appears in the site’s analytics
Use NitroPack with Load Balancing
W3C Validation Errors: What to Do If You Encounter Them
Enabling GZIP compression
NitroPack and YouTube: How to Replace Youtube iframe With Preview Image
How to Use NitroPack with Nonces
How to find and fix JavaScript console errors
Troubleshooting Delay Javascript Execution Issues
NitoPack Configuration: How to Fix “Text Invisible” Issues During Webfont Load
Excluding Images From Lazy Loading
Files Are Not Served by Nitropack’s CDN
The Cache is Cleared Too Frequently: What to Do
High CPU Usage Caused by NitroPack
Can I Exclude a Shortcode From the Cache?
Troubleshooting Remove Unused CSS Issues
Why Dynamic Content May Not Work With NitroPack
Cache Folder Is Getting Too Big
Prevent CSS Files From Being Removed by Remove Unused CSS
How to Fix the “jquery is not defined” Error
When Does NitroPack Delete Cache Files?
Images Are Blurry or Distorted When Adaptive Image Sizing Is Active
Semrush, Rank Math SEO Report Unminified Files
Why Is My Website's wp-admin Area Slow?
What to Do if Your Site Appears Broken?
Importing WooCommerce Products Is Slow
How to provide NitroPack support with access to your site
Server Requirements
IP Allowlisting
Error Codes for Failed Optimization Attempts
How to Reclaim a Website
Aggregate (Blog) Pages Not Updating on Post Publish or Update
How to Make Sure Favicons Aren't Affected by NitroPack
Hamburger Menus Displayed as a Letter or Symbol
Problems With Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test
Page Optimizations Forbidden (403 Error) By Cloudways' Bot Protection
Delayed Content Updates (Only for Flywheel Hosting)
Optimization Problems for Incapsula (Imperva) Users
Modified Image/CSS/JS File on my Site Isn't Updated in the NitroPack CDN