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How to cancel your NitroPack subscription
How to cancel your NitroPack subscription
Updated over 8 months ago

If you decide that you want to stop using NitroPack, you can cancel a NitroPack subscription by going to the "Billing" panel.


How to cancel a subscription (if you have a FastSpring account)

After navigating to Billing, scroll down to Subscriptions and click the "Manage" menu next to the subscription you want to cancel. Select "Cancel":


You'll be redirected to a new window where to state your reason for canceling, after that a "Cancel" button will appear, and you can finish the process:

Regardless of the reason for canceling, there's usually a way to resolve the situation with the help of our 24/7 Support team or Knowledge Base articles. You don't have to lose all the benefits that NitroPack provides!

What happens after the cancelation

If you're on a Free plan, NitroPack will be automatically disabled.

If you're on a paid plan, NitroPack will remain active until the next billing date. After that, our service will be automatically disabled.

Important: Disabling our service from your WordPress/OpenCart/Magento account is not the same as canceling a subscription. After disabling NitroPack, your subscription remains active until you cancel it by following the steps outlined above.

How to cancel a subscription (if you have a Stripe account)

After navigating to Billing, scroll down to Subscriptions and click the "Manage" menu next to the subscription you want to cancel. Select "Cancel":


On the next screen, you will see the amount of credit that will be added to your Stripe account for future purchases or recurring billing.


After clicking "Continue", you will be redirected to the last step, which is – providing a reason for cancelation (at least one reason should be selected to be able to cancel):


Once you cancel your subscription, a success message will appear notifying you about the credit added to your Stripe account.

Also, your subscription will now have the "Canceled" tag:

Important: Currently, canceling a subscription means you will cancel NitroPack for all the websites in the particular subscription.

What happens if you cancel your last subscription

In case you have only one subscription or decide to cancel your last one, the cancelation will take effect from the next billing date. This way, you will be able to use NitroPack for the period you've already paid.

If you add a new website under the same subscription before the next billing date, the cancelation will be reversed.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 10.41.12.png

As a result, you will end up with two active websites slots under your Subscription:


You can also reactivate the subscription by clicking on Manage >> Reactivate:

πŸ“Œ If you need any assistance or have questions, you can contact our Support team using the chat bubble on the bottom right of this page.

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