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Google PageSpeed
Updated over a week ago

Use this panel to check your Google PageSpeed scores before and after connecting to NitroPack.


The inspection may take several minutes because it performs the following long-running actions:

  1. Optimizes your home page for Mobile.

  2. Optimizes your home page for Desktop.

  3. Tests PageSpeed without NitroPack on Mobile devices.

  4. Tests PageSpeed with NitroPack on Mobile devices.

  5. Tests PageSpeed without NitroPack on Desktop devices.

  6. Tests PageSpeed with NitroPack on Desktop devices.

Refresh the scores

Use the blue Refresh button in the top right corner to request a new assessment by Google PageSpeed.


This column shows the difference that NitroPack has contributed to your results.


This column shows the result for the metric after the NitroPack optimization.

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