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Serving Cache for Logged-In Users
Updated over a week ago

One of the key features NitroPack clients leverage is advanced caching. It allows for the optimization and serving of resources to website visitors faster than ever before.

However, there are instances where NitroPack’s powerful caching is, by design, not available. The most common one is for logged-in users.

Here’s why:

  • Personal accounts hold personalized content that updates when users take action across a website. Caching it can cause logged-in users to see outdated information.

  • Caching pages for logged-in users can also cause issues with security, as it could allow other users to access sensitive information.

How do I check if NitroPack is not caching a page because I’m logged in

You will be able to check this if you inspect the headers of your website by following these steps:

1. Open a page, right-click and select Inspect.


2. From here, open the Network tab, click on Doc, and refresh the page.


3. Select the first document and find the x-nitro-disabled-reason Response header.
It should have a value of logged in, indicating that we are not serving an optimization since you are logged in.


✅While NitroPack doesn't cache pages for logged-in users, it still offers many other performance optimization features that can help improve the speed and performance of your website.

We're here to help you get the most out of your website and ensure it's running at its best.

📌 If you need any assistance or have questions, reach out to our support team at [email protected] or via this link:

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